




場所 ハイブリッド(市ヶ谷キャンパス ボアソナードタワー19階D会議室 およびZOOMによるオンライン)
報告題目 Multinationals, Trade and Carbon Emissions(joint work with Joschka Wanner, University of Würzburg)
報告者 渡部 雄太 氏(アジア経済研究所開発研究センター)
使用言語 日本語
要旨 International economic integration is increasingly characterized by multi-national production (MP). The environmental implications of this shift are unclear as different forms of multinational activity affect emissions in dif-ferent ways, both for production and transportation. MP may reduce pollu-tion by transferring cleaner technology abroad or exacerbate it by outsourc-ing dirtier production to foreign countries with pollution-intensive technol-ogies. In terms of transportation emissions, MP may substitute trade, reduc-ing the emissions from shipping, or enhance trade and accelerate pollution from transportation. We provide a quantitative general equilibrium frame-work that brings together MP, international trade, and carbon emissions from production and transportation. As the available data on MP and emis-sion does not fully identify multinational activity and emissions, we con-sider the range of calibrated models compatible with the data and accord-ingly report result intervals for all counterfactual scenarios considered. Comparing the current emissions with counterfactual emissions in autarky, we show that under a mild restriction on the initial emission allocation, MP and trade jointly have almost no potential to lower global carbon emissions. We further derive the emissions from counterfactual trade, investment, and climate policies.
研究会担当 八木橋 毅司・明城 聡
照会先 武智 一貴


場所 ZOOMによりオンライン開催
報告題目 Agricultural Mechanization and Non-farm Employment of Rural Women
報告者 Wanglin Ma 氏(Lincoln University)
使用言語 英語
要旨 This study analyzes the impact of the adoption of agricultural mechanization and its intensity on the non-farm employment of rural women using the 2016 China Labor-force Dynamics Survey data. The study captures mechanization adoption as a dichotomous decision and adoption intensity using three types of farming strategies: non-mechanized, semi-mechanized, and fully-mechanized. Non-farm work is categorized based on work types (self-employment or wage employment) and work locations (local or migrated non-farm work). Both inverse probability weighting with regression adjustment (IPWRA) estimator and multivalued treatment effects (MVTE) model are utilized to address selection bias. The IPWRA estimates reveal that mechanization adoption increases the probability of rural women participating in non-farm work in general and wage employment and local and migrated non-farm work in particular. The impact is greater for unmarried women than for their married counterparts. The MVTE estimates show that relative to non-mechanized farming, the adoption of semi-or fully-mechanized farming increases the probability of rural women participating in non-farm work, wage employment, and local and migrated non-farm work, with fully-mechanized farming playing a larger role. Meanwhile, relative to semi-mechanized farming, adopting fully-mechanized farming does not have a significant impact on any type of non-farm work.
研究会担当 八木橋 毅司・明城 聡
照会先 馬 欣欣
